Full Moon over Nagoya Castle; photo by ka_tate In a Ninja's view of the universe, Soke Hatsumi comments on how beautiful it is to see a crescent moon peering between the clouds... And he suggests that the "secret is to let your own existence resonate with the universal consciousness" ... whether in the form of moonlight or other natural phenomena. He has also told us that taijutsu henka are like the phases of the moon. These phases occur naturally, in a natural connection to the movements of Earth and Sun. Your taijutsu should reflect the world as natural as the moonlight. I write more about this type of reflection here: "Utsuru 映る: Is Your Mind Reflected in Your Taijutsu?" What is to be learned from cold moonlight? In Japan, the moonlight has an empty longing to it that resonates deeply with the Japanese spirit. Hatsumi Sensei has made reference to the author Yasunari Kawabata who, on winning the Nobel prize for literature in 1968, spoke movingl...
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