Michael Glenn at 摩利支天 徳大寺 Marishiten tokudaiji The other night in Hatsumi Sensei's class I ran to grab a bokken from the weapon rack. When I returned, my training partner was waiting for my attack so he could try the muto Dori technique that Soke had just demonstrated. When I cut down I had a great surprise. Hatsumi Sensei appeared from behind my training partner. He pushed my training partner aside so that I was cutting at Soke instead! I thought that I hit something but Soke was beside me laughing. Somehow I missed. He said that I should learn this feeling. This year one of the main themes of the training in Japan is Muto Dori. Anyone who has cut at Soke will tell you that he disappears or even splits in two. That was what I experienced this time. It was like there were two of him. I hit one but that was an illusion. I've often struggled to understand the reality behind this. Even though I can sometimes do this with my own students, the act remains elusive from any e...
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