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Showing posts from December, 2022

Bujinkan Daikomyosai Party and Training Themes from Japan

What are the current Bujinkan Themes? For my second week of Japan training, I begin with a visit to 上野東照宮 Ueno Tōshōgū. This shrine was built in 1627, and enshrines Tokugawa Ieyasu. I have visited many times, but they did an extensive remodel a few years ago. This was my first time going beyond the 唐門 Karamon and into the grounds. The entire 本殿 Honden is covered in gold leaf and looks spectacular with the gingko leaves fluttering down around me. Michael Glenn at 上野東照宮 Ueno Tōshōgū Later that night, I arrived a bit early for Nagase Sensei’s class. He had moved the class time back 45 minutes so I took the opportunity to review my notes from the prior class. He has been working with 十方折衝 juppō sesshō and the directions for 天地人 Tenchijin and the sanshin within it. He described many aspects of Tenchijin. He would control his opponent at three points, high, middle, and low. He told us the Ten direction is 天照大御神 Amaterasu ōmikami. The Chi direction is 国常立尊 Kunitokotachi no mi...

Is the Bujinkan Honbu Dojo Open?

Who is teaching at the Bujinkan Honbu Dojo? The Japan training schedule is irregular and I am following my instincts rather than any set schedule. Peter Crocoll shared a story about Hatsumi Sensei using instinct to buy an antique jūmonji yari based on a feeling. Furuta Sensei invited me to his class. He picked us up from the train station and we went to a high school gymnasium. We warmed up with a bit of rolling, sanshin, and 骨指基本三法 kosshi kihon sanpō. Then he went into the kata 乱勝 Ranshō from Takagi Yoshin Ryū. He did a deep dive with many themes from Hatsumi Sensei. The next day, I got up early to have coffee with my friend, Craig Olson . He told me some funny Nagato Sensei stories. He also told me that Furuta-san would be helping out at the Honbu office today. This piqued my interest because I had a lot of ranks and paperwork to be approved and recorded. Many things have changed in the Bujinkan office, and I had a lot of questions. Craig suggested that it would be ...

Bujinkan Training in Japan Update

 Which Dojo's are Open in Japan? After three long years, I return for Bujinkan training in Japan. The world is different. Training in Japan is different. Michael Glenn at the Bujinkan Honbu Dojo I share my expectations and my actual experiences. I came here as a scouting trip. I wanted to see what changed and where the Bujinkan is going. So far I’ve trained in three dojos. Nagase Sensei started my trip with quick, focused taijutsu. Nagase Sensei with Michael Glenn November 2022 I visited my friend Sakai-san for training in Kasukabe. Michael at 酒井一弘 Dojo Novemeber 2022 And Furuta Sensei invited me to his dojo. Furuta Sensei and Michael Glenn November 2022 Luckily, I found more training than I anticipated. And I’m having a great time. I’m encouraged for the future. And this is only part one of my Bujinkan training in Japan report. You can watch the video about my training in Japan here: Bujinkan Training in Japan November 2022