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Showing posts from 2025

Hidden Influence: Japan Report One 令和6年

I’m off to Japan again. Every trip has a hidden influence so it feels fresh for me. I get excited leading up and preparing for travel. I get excited in the airports, on the planes, and on the trains. I always make big plans to do things in Japan, to visit places, to learn from specific teachers, to meet with friends I haven’t seen in a long time… But when I get there, Japan has other ideas for me. The reality on the ground decides for me. I let Japan decide what I will be doing on that day, or on that trip. Then each trip becomes a unique experience in itself. During one class with Hatsumi Sensei, he spoke of 幽玄の世界 Yūgen no sekai . He said it was like purposely taking a picture that was out of focus. He said you don’t want the focus to be too sharp. Instead you feel it with your eyes, your skin, and your heart. I drive my curiosity just by noticing things. I try to notice the little details the country and the culture. I record things, I take notes in the dojo. This allows ...