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Showing posts from 2025

Gokui Training: Japan Report Two 令和6年

I began this day by catching a train to the Bujinkan Honbu Dojo for a class with Furuta Sensei. In the past few years I’ve been able to train with him quite a bit. And each class gives me a little more insight into the gokui of 雲隠流 Kumogakure Ryū and Ninjutsu. Furuta Sensei began class using 乱勝 Ranshō as a springboard to explore many ideas. He would use a dramatic drop or lean in his body to evade and upset his opponent’s balance. He also shifts this way to hide within the opponent’s movement. When he called me to be his uke, he blocked my attack, but the way he held his other hand gave me the impression that I could attack again. Then Furuta Sensei encouraged me to hit him. I said, “are you sure?” But this was intentional because he was baiting me. So when I went for it, I fell into the space as he hit me with an unseen strike. He used this same feeling to access hidden weapons. If you’ve trained with Furuta, you know he always has a couple of knives on him. One mo...

Hidden Influence: Japan Report One 令和6年

I’m off to Japan again. Every trip has a hidden influence so it feels fresh for me. I get excited leading up and preparing for travel. I get excited in the airports, on the planes, and on the trains. I always make big plans to do things in Japan, to visit places, to learn from specific teachers, to meet with friends I haven’t seen in a long time… But when I get there, Japan has other ideas for me. The reality on the ground decides for me. I let Japan decide what I will be doing on that day, or on that trip. Then each trip becomes a unique experience in itself. During one class with Hatsumi Sensei, he spoke of 幽玄の世界 Yūgen no sekai . He said it was like purposely taking a picture that was out of focus. He said you don’t want the focus to be too sharp. Instead you feel it with your eyes, your skin, and your heart. I drive my curiosity just by noticing things. I try to notice the little details the country and the culture. I record things, I take notes in the dojo. This allows ...