Lupin, anime figurine, Kadena-Cho Okinawa Japan. photo by satori.image Timing is basic to combat strategy. Whether it is unarmed, iaijutsu, or even gunfighting. This variable and how you manage it contains hidden lessons. Consider this example from a gunfight in William S. Burroughs' "The Place of Dead Roads," Suddenly Kim flicks his hand up without drawing and points at Mike with his index finger. "BANG! YOU'RE DEAD." He throws this last word like a stone. He knows that Mike will see a gun in the empty hand and this will crowd his draw…. (With a phantom gun in an empty hand he has bluffed Mike into violating a basic rule of gunfighting. TYT. Take Your Time. Every gunfighter has his time. The time it takes him to draw aim fire and hit . If he tries to beat his time the result is almost invariably a miss…. "Snatch and grab," Kim chants. Yes, Mike was draw...
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