Perceiving the Ox, digital c-print photograph by Andrew Binkley Hatsumi Sensei describes the journey of a Bujinkan student through the Dan ranks as being akin to the Ten Oxherding pictures in Zen Buddhism. These pictures describe the seekers journey to enlightenment. In the first post of this series, Bujinkan Shodan 初段: Searching for the Bull , we felt the first inspiration to begin training even though we had no idea where this may lead. In the second post, Bujinkan Nidan 弐段: Discovering the Footprints , we enjoyed getting lost in form and in henka. Now that we've made our way to Sandan, what are we to make of it? 见牛 Perceiving the Bull Woodblock print by 德力富吉郎 Tokuriki Tomikichirō I hear the song of the nightingale.
The sun is warm, the wind is mild,
willows are green along the shore -
Here no bull can hide!
What artist can draw that massive head,
those majestic horns? Sandan brings us through a phase of hard work and study when suddenly, through no ...
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