Two shishi dogs and goshoguruma in the new Bujinkan Honbu Dojo. photo by Michael Glenn Before class, Hatsumi Sensei unwrapped several large objects. Noguchi Sensei was quite curious. Two were the heads of dogs. I laughed when Noguchi Sensei forced open the mouth of one. As the jaw came unhinged, Noguchi bent over to see if there was anything inside. Then he put his hand in and pretended the dog was biting. The third object was a large wheel. I turned to my friend Paul Masse and said it looked like a dharma wheel. But I was ignorant. I look at my students and I know immediately when they understand and when they don’t. It’s natural as a teacher. And Hatsumi Sensei does the same thing. I don’t just feel his attention, I literally see him watching. It is like we are all travelling down the road he built. He is patient about it. He knows if we stay on the path, it will all work out. That night he even told us, “I’m giving you some hints so that you can practice on your own. D...
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